Power Steering Fluid – Honda

Full Synthetic Power Steering Fluid formulated to meet the specific performance demands of Honda and Acura power steering
systems. Has a higher viscosity than conventional power steering fluids which helps provide superior protection.
• Exceptional anti-wear properties that help protect system
• Anti-foam agents help prevent pump cavitation
• Anti-oxidant properties that help stop the formation of sludge
• Excellent protection and performance in cold weather
In 2007, Honda/Acura made changes to their power steering systems which demanded a synthetic fluid with more anti-wear
protection, higher viscosity, and better seal compatibility. This fluid is backwards-compatible with older Honda/Acura power
steering systems. Universal power steering fluids do not provide the necessary protection for Honda/Acura power steering
systems model years 2007 and newer and may lead to seal or pump failure.
This fluid is suitable for use in Honda/Acura P/N 08206-9002A,
Honda PSF-2, Honda PSF Type S, and Honda PSF
Type V systems.
- Part# 4186K 12/12 oz